Feb 26 11:00 AM Urban Eatery
Wellness Wednesday - MYO Chia Seed Pudding
For Wellness Wednesday, make your own chia seed pudding for a nice, sweet treat at Urban Eatery from 11am to 2pm! -
Feb 27 4:00 PM Urban Eatery
National Chili Day - Chili Cookoff
Get ready to spice things up! Drexel Dining is celebrating National Chili Day with an epic Chili Cook-Off, where three talented chefs will go head-to-head, each creating a unique and delicious chili. From classic hearty beef to bold and spicy vegetarian, every bowl is packed with flavor and ready for you to taste. -
Feb 28 11:00 AM Handschumacher Dining Center
National Pancake Day
Join us to celebrate National Pancake Day at Handschumacher Dining Center from 11am to 3pm for breakfast for lunch!
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